Tuesday 23 March 2021

Club News

 Good news people, we will be resuming our beach fishing competition starting on Sunday 4th April , the Jackson Cup, this is fished in Deal. Meeting at the Deal 1919 clubhouse 13.45 fishing starts 15.00 to 19.00.

 .Boat competition starts Saturday 8th May and 9th May. This is our Spring festival. Saturday 09.00 till 14.00 , and Sunday 09.30 til 14.30. Booking in 1hr 15mins before the competition starts. Please remember that for the boat comps you will need you key from the council to use the slipway. The boat competition fishing time may be reduced as the Neptune harbour needs dredging but I will advise nearer the time.

.And finally we are looking at opening the clubhouse on Friday 28th May and Sunday 30th May. There will be things put into place as you would expect, we will have a card machine at the clubhouse .

All competitions are £1.00 entry, this goes to the heaviest fish of the day.