Monday 8 July 2013

Dave Mann Diamond Jubilee Beach Roamer Competition Results

10 anglers turned out for the 2nd annual Dave Mann Diamond Jubilee Beach Roamer Competition on Sunday 7th July.
 Not as many as last year mainly due to the hot weather and a fixture clash with the Greenhill Sea Angling Club (well done Dennis!!)

There was a steady NE breeze throughout the day which took most of the heat out of the blazing sunshine.

Most of those who took part headed to the eastern beaches of Kent from Walmer up to Sandwich with hopes of dogfish, bass and perhaps a lucky ray or hound. 

Unfortunately it was not to be as the fishing was dire!! Every effort was made to bring fish to the shore, from big baits thrown far out to float fishing live prawn, spinning lures and everything in between.

At the end of a long day only two anglers managed to weigh in and both took healthy winnings for their fish.

Let's hope next year is a bit more successful!!

Results as follows;
1st- G. Mummery, 1 fish, 1.32lbs (dogfish)
2nd- D. Smith, 1 fish, 0.56lbs (dab)

George with the winning fish.