Sunday 27 October 2013

HAS Beach Accumulator competition results

It was good to see 14 anglers turn out for the Beach Accumulator competition on Sunday 27th October despite the severe SW winds.

The competition gets its name as cash amounts are paid out at the annual prize evening based on how many comps an angler has fished throughout the year. Money is then deducted for missed ones and passed to the next placed angler and so on.

There were some reasonable weights brought to the scales despite the harsh winds making bite detection difficult with whiting, dogfish, eels and a dab being weighed in.

Notably, K. Wilton managed a club specimen dogfish of 2.00lbs exactly and as well as winning the heavy fish pool will also receive a bronze specimen medal for his efforts.

Yet again though, it was the three Morris brothers who took the top three spots all fishing Reculver beaches, full results as follows;

1st- M. Morris, 14 fish, 12.70lbs
2nd- T. Morris,18 fish, 11.26lbs
3rd- K. Morris, 14 fish, 7.66lbs
4th- G. Mummery, 11 fish, 6.68lbs
5th- B. Morris, 9 fish, 5.26lbs
6th- S. Stephenson, 7 fish, 4.28lbs
7th- K. Wilton, 3 fish, 3.80lbs
8th- A. Louch, 1 fish, 1.44lbs
9th- M. Bryant, 2 fish, 1.04lbs
10th- P. Thornton, 2 fish, 0.92lbs
11th- L. Perry-French,1 fish,0.52lbs
12th- P. Gower, 1 fish, 0.40lbs

K. Wilton with his club specimen dogfish.