Monday 28 April 2014

Lawler Pairs boat fishing comp results

As the title suggests, this competition is fished in pairs with combined weights contributing to the results. Individual results are still recorded however for championship points and fish numbers.
Weather was favourable as 6 boats headed out on Sunday 27th April in relatively light SE winds and overcast conditions.

As has been the case with recent events, skate accounted for the majority of catches with dogfish, whiting and smoothhounds also landed.

Yet again, junior brothers Lewis and Bradley Perry-French were in the hotspot thanks to their grandad and took 1st place. The twins landed 6 skate between them with Lewis also bagging the heaviest fish of the day at 10.26lbs. K. Wilton also had a nice fish at 9.48lbs which saw him take a share of the heavy fish pool.

Full Results as follows;
1st- L. Perry-French & B. Perry-French, 6 fish, 39.70lbs
2nd- D. Perry & K. Morris, 11 fish, 34.20lbs
3rd- K. Wilton & P. Gower, 3 fish, 19.76lbs
4th- M. Morris & G. Mummery, 5 fish, 19.20lbs
5th- B. Morris & T. Morris, 13 fish, 16.64lbs
6th- P. Thornton & R. Lowe, 1 fish, 1.18lbs

Individual Results;
1st- L. Perry-French, 3 fish, 24.82lbs
2nd- D. Perry, 7 fish, 18.08lbs
3rd- K. Morris, 4 fish, 16.12lbs
4th- B. Perry-French, 3 fish, 14.88lbs
5th- M. Morris, 4 fish, 14.74lbs
6th- K. Wilton, 2 fish, 14.16lbs
7th- B. Morris, 8 fish, 11.22lbs
8th- P. Gower, 1 fish, 5.60lbs
9th- T. Morris, 5 fish, 5.42lbs
10th- G. Mummery, 1 fish, 4.46lbs
11th- P. Thornton, 1 fish, 1.18lbs