Monday 19 May 2014

Heron two day boat festival results

Conditions for the Heron two day boat festival could not have been better on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th May. The seas were like glass on Saturday and the skies bright, the only difference for Sunday was a relatively light NE wind. 

5 boats comprising 13 anglers set out over both days, with the Weir bank seemingly the preferred venue in the hunt for skate, hounds and dogfish.

First blood on Saturday went to B. Morris with a good weight of 39.28lbs. As well as 4 thornies Ben had small smoothounds up to 4lbs and dogfish. Not too far behind, M. Morris weighed in 4 skate of his own along with a couple of doggies for 31.86lbs.

 The heaviest fish of the day fell to P. Thornton with a skate at 8.60lbs.
With all to play for, anglers set up in similar spots for day two. On the whole, the fishing was quieter with less brought to the scales but M. Morris clearly found his mark and returned with 6 good skate along with doggies and a rather special catch. 

It's not often specimen fish are caught but to get one twice the specimen size requirement is practically unheard of. Micks' gurnard tipped the scales at exactly 2.00lbs and will earn him a gold specimen medal at the end of the year. (Unfortunately I was not able to get a photo before the fish was taken for the table.)

Micks' catch totalled an impressive 44.12lbs and not only won the day but the aggregate prize too with B. Morris letting slip the lead in second with just 17.04lbs.

Junior member L. Perry-French was back to his recent skate catching ways and nabbed the heaviest fish prize from P. Thornton with a lovely ray of 9.40lbs

Full one day results, aggregates and class winners (by elimination) as follows;

Saturday 17th May

1st- B. Morris, 13 fish, 39.28lbs
2nd- M. Morris, 6 fish, 31.86lbs
3rd- C. Zacharia, 7 fish, 22.18lbs
4th- T. Morris, 5 fish, 15.12lbs
5th- L. Perry-French, 2 fish, 14.78lbs
6th- P. Thornton, 1 fish, 8.60lbs
7th- K. Wilton, 6 fish, 7.40lbs
8th- P. Gower, 2 fish, 5.28lbs
9th- G. Mummery, 3 fish, 3.76lbs
10th- B. Perry-French, 1 fish, 1.26lbs
11th- K. Grove, 1 fish, 1.20lbs

Sunday 18th May
1st- M. Morris, 10 fish, 44.12lbs
2nd- B. Morris, 6 fish, 17.04lbs
3rd- C. Zacharia, 3 fish, 16.80lbs
4th- T. Morris, 4 fish, 12.62lbs
5th- L. Perry-French, 2 fish, 9.82lbs
6th- K. Wilton, 3 fish, 7.14lbs
7th- P. Gower, 2 fish, 2.22lbs

Class 1: Aggregate
1st- M. Morris, 75.98lbs
2nd- B. Morris, 56.32lbs
3rd- C. Zacharia, 38.98lbs
4th- T. Morris, 27.74lbs
5th- L. Perry-French, 24.60lbs
6th- K. Wilton, 14.54lbs
7th- P. Thornton, 8.60lbs
8th- P. Gower, 7.50lbs
9th- B. Perry-French, 1.26lbs

Class 2: Greatest Number (One Day)
B. Morris, 13 fish

Class 3: Heaviest Fish
L. Perry-French, 9.60lbs

Class 4: Heaviest One Day Catch Of Skate
M. Morris, 38.18lbs

Class 5: Heaviest Catch Flat Fish (One Day)
Not Won

Class 6: Heaviest Catch Round Fish (One Day)
C.Zacharia, 8.48lbs

Class 7: Aggregate Weight By A Junior
B. Perry-French, 1.26lbs

Class 8: Heaviest Catch By A Senior (One Day)
P. Thornton, 8.60lbs

Class 9: Greatest Number of Varieties (One Day)
T. Morris, 2 Varieties

Gold Specimen Medal Awarded
M. Morris, Tub-Gurnard, 2.00lbs

M. Morris with the best of his winning catch

B. Morris with Saturdays top weight

L. Perry-French with the heaviest fish of the festival