Sunday 29 June 2014

Iris Boat Trophy results

The weather at the end of the Iris Boat Trophy on Sunday 29th June was a stark contrast to the beginning. 
The 4 boats comprising 8 anglers set out in bright sunshine with just a light Northerly breeze but returned in grey skies, rain and much stronger winds.
Competitors tried various marks including the rand, black rock, the wool pack, the gore channel and the weir bank but the fish were simply not playing ball and the fishing was dire.
Most blanked, reporting not even having had a bite! Junior twins Bradley and Lewis Perry-French both boated a fish each but were undersize and returned.
The only fish weighed in at the end was a Smoothhound of 2.76lbs for B. Morris which landed him all 12 points and the heavy fish pool.

 It also moves him to top spot in the league table. 

Full Results as follows:
1st- B. Morris, 1 fish, 2.76lbs