Wednesday 27 August 2014

Junior boat competition results

Three Junior Herons set out on Sunday 24th August in fine, calm weather for the junior boat competition.
 All weighed in catches with R. Gower bagging a nice bass of 3lb 1.9oz but it wasn't enough to overcome the weights brought to the scales by brothers Bradley and Lewis Perry-French.
 Lewis took the heaviest fish with a thornback of 6lb 1.5oz and Bradley had a nice Mackerel to go with his brace of dogfish.

Full results as follows:

1st- L. Perry-French, 2 fish, 7lbs 5.6oz
2nd- B. Perry-French, 3 fish, 3lbs 12.2oz
3rd- R. Gower, 1 fish, 3lbs 1.9oz