Tuesday 28 October 2014

Heron AS Autumn Boat Festival results (photo's added)

With reasonably strong SW winds on all three days of the Heron AS Autumn Boat Festival, fishing was uncomfortable at times but thankfully all three days were fished regardless.

Catches were varied and sporadic, whiting numbers were not as prevalent as expected and those who did find them in numbers had to sift through hoards of undersized fish to fill their bags, dogfish were also present as ever as well as skate, dabs, pout and it was also good to see a few codling landed too.

The biggest of the fish fell to M. Morris with a reasonable ray of 9lbs 11.9oz on Sunday and of his four codling boated on the Saturday, Mick also took the biggest of those at 2lbs 2.7oz.

The numbers game was the tactic for T. Morris who landed 175 sizeable fish over the three days and did well in the event on the whole as a result.

 Other highlights included codling from C. Zacharia and G. Mummery, with skate from K. Wilton, P. Gower and C. Zacharia. An impressive pout of 1lb 6.7oz form B. Morris was also brought to the scales.

Overall it was M. Morris who held his own over the three days however and took top spot with an aggregate weight of 95lbs 12.1oz.

Full individual day results, aggregates and class winners (by elimination) below:

Saturday 25th;
1st-M. Morris, 27 fish, 37lbs 1.2oz
2nd- T. Morris, 64 fish, 31lbs 13.2oz
3rd- G. Mummery, 37 fish, 20lbs 3oz
4th- C. Zacharia, 14 fish, 19lbs 14.7oz
5th- K. Wilton, 13 fish, 16lbs 4oz
6th- P. Gower, 11 fish, 12lbs 7.9oz
7th- B. Perry-French, 4lbs 0.2oz
8th- L. Perry-French, 2lbs 2.6oz

Sunday 26th;
1st- T. Morris, 62 fish, 29lbs 1.6oz
2nd- B. Morris, 46 fish, 25lbs 7.1oz
3rd- M. Morris, 17 fish, 24lbs 13.9oz
4th- K. Wilton, 15 fish, 23lbs 3.5oz
5th- G. Mummery, 51 fish, 23lbs 1.7oz
6th- K. Morris, 45 fish, 21lbs 8.1oz
7th- C. Zacharia, 16 fish, 17lbs 14.7oz
8th- D. Perry, 30 fish, 12lbs 12.2oz
9th- S. Mummery, 18 fish, 8lbs 11.6oz
10th- P. Gower, 10 fish, 8lbs 6.2oz
11th- K. Grove, 8 fish, 4lbs 4.4 lbs
12th- B. Perry-French, 6 fish, 2lbs 12.2oz

Monday 27th
1st- M. Morris, 38 fish, 33lbs 12.9oz
2nd- K. Wilton, 21 fish, 26lbs 9.1oz
3rd- C. Zacharia, 19 fish, 26lbs 3.9oz
4th- K. Morris, 52 fish, 24lbs 7.2oz
5th- P. Gower, 24 fish, 24lbs 0.9oz
6th- T. Morris, 49 fish, 22lbs 9.7oz
7th- D. Perry, 48 fish, 21lbs 10.9oz
8th- G. Mummery, 31 fish, 16lbs 13.6oz
9th- B. Morris, 26 fish, 12lbs 3.9oz
10th- P. Thornton, 20 fish, 9lbs 3.2oz
11th- B. Perry-French, 16 fish, 7lbs 3.4oz
12th- L. Perry-French, 13 fish, 6lbs 4.2lbs

Class 1; Aggregate
1st- M. Morris, 95lbs 12.1oz
2nd- T. Morris, 83lbs 8.6oz
3rd- K. Wilton, 66lbs 0.6oz
4th- C. Zacharia, 64lbs 1.4oz
5th- G. Mummery, 60lbs 2.4oz
6th- K. Morris, 45lbs 15.2oz
7th- P. Gower, 44lbs 15oz
8th- B. Morris, 37lbs 11oz
9th- D. Perry, 34lbs 7.2oz
10th- B. Perry-French, 13lbs 15.9oz
11th- P. Thornton, 9lbs 3.2oz
12th- S. Mummery, 8lbs 11.6oz
13th- L. Perry-French, 8lbs 7.1oz
14th- K. Grove, 4lbs 14.4oz

Class 2; Heaviest 1 day catch
M. Morris, 37lbs 1.2oz

Class 3; Greatest Number (1 day)
T. Morris, 64 fish

Class 4; Heaviest 1 day catch round fish
K. Wilton, 26lbs 9.2oz

Class 5; Greatest 1 day number round fish
G. Mummery, 51 fish

Class 6; Heaviest 1 day catch flat fish
K. Morris, 2lbs 13oz

Class 7; Heaviest fish
C. Zacharia, 7lbs 14.2oz

Class 8; Greatest 1 day variety
B. Morris, 3 varieties

Class 9; Heaviest catch by a lady
Not won

Class 10; Heaviest 1 day catch by a senior
P. Thornton 9lbs 3.2oz

Class 11; Heaviest catch flat fish by a junior on Sunday
Not won

Class 12; Heaviest catch on Monday
P. Gower, 24lbs 0.9oz

M Morris 9LB 11oz Skate

M Morris with his double brace of codling

P Gower's Skate

B Morris 1LB 6.7oz Pouting