Monday, 21 May 2012

Spring boat festival replacement Competition results (19th May)

The annual 2 day spring boat festival earlier this month was unfortunately called off for the
Heron Angling Society due to poor weather so the club re-fished it as a one day event on
Saturday 19th May.
The weather was superb and with 11 members having entered, it looked to be a cracking
days fishing. It didn't disappoint with great catches of Skate, Smoothhound, Dogfish, Dabs
and Whiting.

Results as follows;

1st- G. Mummery, 11 fish, 23.32lbs
2nd- K. Neame, 13 fish, 16.66lbs
3rd- B. Morris, 10 fish, 15.80lbs
4th- T. Morris, 10 fish, 15.24lbs
5th- M. Pritchard, 10 fish, 14.84lbs
6th- M. Morris, 12 fish, 14.78lbs
7th- C. Zacharia, 10 fish, 10.22lbs
8th- S. Mummery, 7 fish, 7.34lbs
9th- B. McDonald, 2 fish, 0.68lbs
10th- P. Thornton and J. Pressley unfortunately never left
the slipway due to engine problems.

The festival is broken down into classes and these are won by elimination, only the winner
may win another class.

Results as follows;

Class 1- Aggregate
G. Mummery, 23.32lbs
Class 2- Greatest Number
K. Neame, 13 fish
Class 3- Heaviest Fish
B. Morris, 9.06lb Skate
Class 4- Heaviest one day catch of skate
T. Morris, 8.32lb
Class 5- Heaviest catch of flats
C. Zacharia, 0.32lbs
Class 6- Heaviest catch of rounds
G. Mummery, 15.32lbs
Class 7- Junior Aggregate
Not won
Class 8- Senior Aggregate
B. McDonald, 0.68lb
Class 9- Greatest number of varieties
M. Pritchard, 3 varieties.

G. Mummery had this nice Smoothhound at 8.32lbs
to help him towards the title.

B. Morris with the heaviest fish of the day, a thornback
tipping the scales at 9.06lbs.

Report by B. Morris