Monday 15 April 2013

Claire V. Wenniger boat competition results

With 35mph southerly gusts, it's no wonder only 2 boats comprising 4 members braved the seas to fish the Heron's Claire V. Wenniger boat competition on Sunday 14th April. 

It was nearly just one when car trouble prevented Tony Morris towing his boat but fortunately he could rely on his trusty 12' tod (stored on the beach) and old Seagull outboard to get out anyway.

 This proved fruitful as Tony landed a nice, plump 3.80lb bass just 500yds out from in front of the club house!!

Aside from that, it was very slim pickings with just Mick Morris weighing in a single whiting, it seems the late cold spell has really taken its toll on this years fishing so far. 

1st - T. Morris, 1 fish, 3.80lbs
2nd - M. Morris, 1 fish, 0.38lbs

  Tony Morris with the winning  Bass of 3.80lb