Monday 23 September 2013

Evans trophy boat competition results

 The whiting are back so it seems!!

8 members in 4 boats turned out for the much coveted Evans trophy on Saturday 21st Sept and all returned to weigh in whiting along with a few doggies, dabs and pouting.

The weather was fairly kind with just a light SW breeze and overcast without any signs of rain.
Unfortunately there were no big fish caught with the heavy fish pool going to K. Wilton with a dogfish of 1.66lbs but at least numbers were an improvement on recent months.

Full results as follows:

 1st- M. Morris, 45 fish, 29.90lbs
2nd- T. Morris, 39 fish, 20.84lbs
3rd- P. Thornton, 34 fish, 17.30lbs
4th- P. Gower, 28 fish, 16.64lbs
5th- K. Wilton, 13 fish, 10.84lbs
6th- J. Williamson, 13 fish, 8.62lbs
7th- B. Morris, 15 fish, 8.34lbs
8th- K. Grove, 14 fish, 6.88lbs

Ben Morris