Monday 16 September 2013

Herons' Jubilee Cup beach competition 2nd round results

Seven anglers turned out to brave the oncoming storm and fish the 2nd round of the Herons' Jubilee Cup beach competition. The 1st leg, fished in January, was won by P. Thornton with 2 fish for 1.76lbs.

With a strong SW wind and intermittent rain to boot, 4 of the competitors headed to the Kings hall with the other 3 setting up along Reculver beaches. Weed was thankfully not too much of a problem but crabs were stripping Lug baits at alarming rates. 

Fishing was slow, seemingly the recent run of reported smoothhound catches has come to an end and as yet the whiting haven't shown on Herne Bay beaches. Even as darkness took hold there was no notable improvement. 

In the end just 3 of the anglers weighed in catches of dogfish, with P. Thornton maintaining his current winning streak. It was D. Foreman however that won the heaviest fish pool with a dog of 1.48lbs

Full results as follows;
1st - P. Thornton, 2 fish, 2.50lbs
2nd - D. Foreman, 1 fish, 1.48lbs
3rd - T. Morris, 1 fish, 1.26lbs

P. Thornton wins the trophy with a combined total of 4 fish for 4.26lbs