Sunday 8 September 2013

Old Rules boat competition results

The Heron's Old Rules boat competition went ahead on Sunday 8th September with 8 members taking part in 4 boats. 

A kind of 'fun' competition whereby anglers must row their boats to their mark and back within the allocated 4 hours of competition and only 1 rod each is allowed but up to 4 hooks. 

With an increasing SW wind rowing out was ok but the thought of rowing back against it put most off going too far.

K. Grove however, a seasoned rowing enthusiast in a very suitable boat, pushed himself a bit further than the other members taking part. This proved very fruitful for Keith as he was the only competitor to weigh in a catch and easily won the event. 

Others reported missed bites, one boat went in very early due to pesky crabs and weed and I could only manage a lowly undersized bass but Keith had a bass of 2.12lbs as well as 2 dogfish and a reasonable eel.

1st- K. Grove, 4fish, 5.80lbs