Monday 2 December 2013

Maureen cup Beach Competition Results

With four hours of fishing the flood tide in darkness, expectations were high for the 13 anglers competing in the Heron's Maureen cup on Saturday 30th November.

Large numbers of whiting were anticipated along with a few token dogfish and dabs too but alas it was not to be. In fact, not only were catches disappointing but numbers were generally very poor with only whiting caught and a couple of rockling. 

In a fairly pleasant evening with no rain and a light NW wind it was D. Smith who found the most productive spot with 7 fish from the Kings Hall cottages, while A. Louch managed 5 from outside the club house. Reculver marks appeared fairly unproductive with lots of undersize fish reported and while Studd Hill produced slightly better results, the main Herne Bay beaches took the top spots.

Full results as follows;

1st- D. Smith, 7 fish, 3.96lbs
2nd- A. Louch, 5 fish, 2.22lbs
3rd- K. Wilton, 3 fish, 1.36lbs
4th- B. Morris, 3 fish, 1.22lbs
5th- P. Thornton, 2 fish, 1.14lbs
6th- T. Morris, 2 fish, 0.78lbs
7th- K. Grove, 2 fish, 0.72lbs
8th- K. Morris, 2 fish, 0.68lbs
9th- P. Gower, 2 fish, 0.64lbs
10th- M. Bryant, 1 fish, 0.48lbs
11th- M. Morris, 1 fish, 0.42lbs

Report by Ben Morris