Monday 17 March 2014

Boat accumulator Competition results

Despite the sun shining, a decision was to be made from the off as to whether we fished this or not due to fairly strong NW winds. Thankfully though, it wasn't too bad and although two boats chose not to, the event took place. 

Four boats ventured out and all opted to fish the Weir bank area with catches of skate in mind. 11 were bought to the scales in total along with dogfish and whiting too, the best of the fish coming in at 10.58lbs for B. Morris who also bagged two more which, along with 2 dogs and 2 whiting led him to win the competition.

A bigger congratulations however goes to junior brothers Lewis and Bradley Perry-French who caught 6 skate between them and took 2nd and 3rd places. Lewis weighed in 4 and had a fifth that was undersize, while of Bradley's 2, the heaviest was a decent 9.42lbs.

Full Results as Follows;
1st- B. Morris, 7 fish, 27.88lbs
2nd- L. Perry-French, 4 fish, 21.82lbs
3rd- B. Perry-French, 2 fish, 13.62lbs
4th- M. Morris, 1 fish, 8.42lbs
5th- T. Morris, 3 fish, 7.98lbs
6th- P. Gower, 1 fish, 1.64lbs