Monday 10 March 2014

Tamkin cup beach comp results

With spurious rumours of skate and codling catches seeping through on the grapevine, expectations were high for the 17 anglers who took part in the Tamkin Cup beach competition on Sunday 9th March.
Alas it was not to be and infact the results were very poor with just two anglers sneaking in sizeable catches. P. Gould started the proceedings with a rockling and looked set to take the points until G.S.C.A. member S. Stephenson arrived with what can only be described as a very pregnant looking blenny of 0.32lbs.
Despite the sunny conditions and most anglers reporting catches of minute whiting and codling, no one else brought a catch to the scales.

1st- S. Stephenson, 1 Fish, 0.32lbs
2nd- P. Gould, 1 Fish, 0.08lbs