Monday 1 June 2015

Claire V. Weniger boat competition results

With horrendous 20mph Southerly winds and rain to boot, it's no surprise only two boats headed out on Sunday 31st May for the Heron's 'Claire V. Weniger' competition. Due to the inclement weather, limits were set to stay within the pier head between Hampton and Bishopstone, both boats headed to fish off the Rand.

On the whole fishing was poor for most, both junior members Bradley and Lewis Perry-French reported catches of undersized rays and a gurnard apparently but unfortunately couldn't manage to bring sizeable fish to the scales.

T. Morris faired a little better, boating 5 dogfish and losing a skate to a broken mainline but it was his partner B. Morris who brought the luck with him.

Ben started early doors with a nice bass of 4lbs 14.3oz and among four Thornbacks, he had the heaviest fish at 8lbs 5.3oz and added four dogfish of his own to the tally too.

Full results as follows;
1st- B. Morris, 9 fish, 36lbs 1.6oz
2nd- T. Morris, 5 fish, 6lbs 7.2oz

B. Morris, 4lbs 14.3oz Bass