Monday 18 May 2015

Heron's Spring Boat Festival results

For the first time in many years, there was a cash prize on the table for the top three aggregate weights of the Heron's Spring Boat Festival.

With all to play for, 5 boats headed out on Saturday 16th May comprising 10 anglers. The weather was less than perfect with a menacing Westerly wind from the off which thankfully died down as the event went on.

Most of the boats headed to the Weir bank but T. Morris and B. Morris stuck close in just off the pier head. G. Mummery and M. Morris had the same idea and anchored about 200yds further out.
T. Morris boated an undersized skate almost straight away and snapped off another so things were looking promising until a trawler unbelievably dragged its nets straight between the two boats and from then on the fishing died off completely.

G. Mummery took his boat further out to the Weir bank which paid dividends for the pair as George landed 3 rays there and Mick took the biggest of the day at 10lbs 3.4oz.

K. Wilton brought 3 to the scales as well with B. Morris bagging 2 from off the Rand.

Things were quite tight after day one, with just over 2lbs separating 1st from 4th place.

Sundays conditions were brighter but the Westerly breeze was still ever present as the 10 anglers commenced day two of the event. J. Simpson was unable to fish so D. Johnson took his place.

Tactics were similar to Saturday although the two boats who fished the pier head the day before this time headed to the Woolpack area.
However, engine issues caused G. Mummery and partner M. Morris to make a decision and call it a day early without weighing in a catch.

With the Weir bank seemingly unproductive, this paved the way for B. Morris and T. Morris to land the lions share of the days fish and easily took 1st and 2nd positions.

Catches throughout the event consisted of Thornbacks, dogfish, smoothhounds and whiting.

Full results including individual days and class winners (by elimination rules) as follows;

Saturday 16th May;
1st- G. Mummery, 5 fish, 18lbs 15.8oz
2nd- K. Wilton, 3 fish, 17lbs 9.9oz
3rd- B. Morris, 5 fish, 17lbs 1.7oz
4th- M. Morris, 2 fish, 16lbs 3.4oz
5th- J. Simpson, 9 fish, 14lbs 8.7oz
6th- B. Perry-French, 4 fish, 12lbs 14.7oz
7th- P. Gower, 2 fish, 8lbs 15.2oz
8th- T. Morris, 5 fish, 6lbs 8.1oz
9th- L. Simpson, 5 fish, 5lbs 14.8oz
10th- L. Perry-French, 4lbs 13.2oz

Sunday 17th May;
1st- B. Morris, 10 fish, 19lbs 5.4oz
2nd- T. Morris, 10 fish, 18lbs 2.9oz
3rd- P. Gower, 3 fish, 6lbs 14.9oz
4th- K. Wilton, 2 fish, 2lbs 13.5oz
5th- B. Perry-French, 1lbs 10.7oz
6th- L. Perry-French, 1lbs 4.3oz

Class 1: Aggregate,
1st- B. Morris, 39lbs 7.1oz (£50.00)
2nd- T. Morris, 24lbs 11oz (£30.00)
3rd- K. Wilton, 20lbs 7.4oz (£20.00)
4th- G. Mummery, 18lbs 15.8oz
5th- M. Morris, 16lbs 3.4oz
6th- P. Gower, 15lbs 14.1oz
7th- B. Perry-French, 14lbs 9.4oz
8th- J. Simpson, 14lbs 8.7oz
9th- L. Perry-French, 6lbs 2.5oz
10th- L. Simpson, 5lbs 14.8oz

Class 2: Greatest Number (1 Day)
B. Morris, 10 fish

Class 3: Heaviest Fish
M. Morris, 10lbs 3.4oz

Class 4: Heaviest One Day Catch Of Skate
K. Wilton, 17lbs 9.9oz

Class 5: Heaviest One Day Catch Of Flatfish
Not Won

Class 6: Heaviest One Day Catch Of Round Fish
T. Morris, 13lbs 7.9oz

Class 7: Aggregate Weight By A Junior
B. Perry-French, 14lbs 9.4oz

Class 8: Heaviest One Day Catch By A Senior
T. Morris, 18lbs 2.9oz

Class 9: Greatest Number Of Varieties (1 Day)
G. Mummery, 3 Varieties

M. Morris, 10lbs 3.4oz Ray
B. Morris 8lbs 14.1oz Ray
P. Gower 7lbs 12.1oz Ray
Lewis and Bradley Perry-French with their catches on Sunday