Monday 1 December 2014

2014 Beach Festival Results

The H.A.S 2014 beach festival was held on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th November and saw 11 anglers compete across the two days.

Saturday's weather was fairer with next to no wind and saw decent numbers of whiting turning up all along Herne Bays coast, P. Thornton finding the most from the harbour arm with 43 sizeable fish. This wasn't enough however to take the lead for the first day with M. Morris besting his weight by just over 5lbs. Mick took the long walk to Coldharbour and returned with dogfish and codling to go with his whiting.

Sunday's weather was somewhat of a transition with steadily increasing NW winds and certainly more of a chill. Bites were harder to detect but M. Morris still maintained his winning streak for the event with a good bag comprised of 6 Codling and whiting.

 K. Morris also found 5 Codling from Middle bank for 3rd spot with B. Morris taking 2nd place with dogfish, whiting and 1 Codling of his own.

With all anglers weighing in on both days it was a very successful and enjoyable event. It was especially nice to see the Codling in numbers, let's hope they're back again next year but twice the size!!

Full Individual day results and class winners (by elimination) as follows:

Saturday 29th;
1st- M. Morris, 32 fish, 21lbs 10.8oz
2nd- P. Thornton, 43 fish, 16lbs 7oz
3rd- K. Morris, 20 fish, 12lbs 6.8oz
4th- S. Stephenson, 22 fish, 12lbs 1.7oz
5th- D. Smith, 20 fish, 10lbs 9oz
6th- B. Morris, 28 fish, 9lbs 15.4oz
7th- G. Mummery, 21 fish, 8lbs 2.7oz
8th- T. Morris, 21 fish, 7lbs 14.7oz
9th- B. Perry-French, 8 fish, 2lbs 13oz
10th- L. Perry-French, 7 fish, 2lbs 9oz
11th- K. Grove, 2 fish, 9oz

Sunday 30th;
1st- M. Morris, 23 fish, 15lbs 0.6oz
2nd- B. Morris, 22 fish, 13lbs 6.5oz
3rd- K. Morris, 20 fish, 11lbs 8.7oz
4th- G. Mummery, 19 fish, 9lbs 12.2oz
5th- P. Thornton, 18 fish, 7.6lbs
6th- D. Smith, 11 fish, 6lbs 12.1oz
7th- T. Morris, 17 fish, 6lbs 7.2oz
8th- S. Stephenson, 10 fish, 3lbs 15.1oz
9th- B. Perry-French, 7 fish, 2lbs 7.7oz
10th- K. Grove, 6 fish, 2lbs 2.7oz
11th- L. Perry-French, 2 fish, 11.5oz

Class 1: Aggregate
1st- M. Morris, 36lbs 11.2oz
2nd- K. Morris, 23lbs 15.5oz
3rd- P. Thornton, 23lbs 13oz
4th- B. Morris, 23lbs 5.9oz
5th- G. Mummery, 17lbs 14.9oz
6th- D. Smith, 17lbs 5.1oz
7th- S. Stephenson, 16lbs 0.8oz
8th- T. Morris, 14lbs 5.9oz
9th- B. Perry-French, 5lbs 4.7oz
10th- L. Perry-French, 3lbs 6.5oz
11th- K. Grove, 2lbs 11.7oz

Class 2: Heaviest (one day) catch
M. Morris, 21lbs 10.8oz

Class 3: Heaviest Fish
D. Smith, 1lbs 12.1oz

Class 4: Greatest No. (one day)
P. Thornton, 43 fish

Class 5: Greatest No. Flatfish (one day)
K. Morris, 1 fish

Class 6: Greatest No. On Sunday
B. Morris, 22 fish

Class 7: Heaviest catch by a lady (one day)
Not won

Class 8: Heaviest catch by a junior (one day)
B. Perry-French, 2lbs 13oz

Class 9: Heaviest catch by a senior (one day)
K. Grove 2lbs 2.7oz

Comp Winners with Cod and Dogfish